CSU O'Reilly Safari Bookshelf Drupal Module

This little project may only be of use to those running Drupal sites on CSU-owned machines, although it will also have limited functionality on any Drupal (6) site.  The following was my first experiment running the "Features" module, which allows one to export functionality from a Drupal site as a standalone module.

By way of background, the California State University system has a contract with O'Reilly books that allows those computers on its networks to access online version of the vast majority of its titles.  This module will allow Drupal 6 systems to have a little bookshelf library with quick-links to one's favorite books.

Requirements: Drupal 6 (tested with 6.22), Views, Views Slideshow (*must* be version 6.x-2.3, see notes below), Features, CCK, Ctools, Link, Libraries, FileField, ImageField, jQuery_UI.

Installation: the module may be downloaded here:


The fastest way to get all the modules downloaded and installed is using the drush command, as follows:

drush dl cck ctools filefield imagefield libraries link views views_slideshow-6.x-2.3

(Note that later versions of Views Slideshow do not include Views Slideshow: Thumbnail, and will fail.)

You should now be able to enable the "Safari_Bookshelf" module, and begin creating "Bookshelf Item" content.  You will need both the image and the URL from a particular Safari Bookshelf item.  The URL will begin with the following:


There will now be available a block entitled "bookshelf_view: Block" (under Site Building: Blocks) to add to your site.

Project photos: 



Robert Demallac-Sauzier (rob@sfsu.edu)